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The Prism Central and Prism Element HTML5 interfaces are key components of Nutanix Cloud Platform (NCP) management. However, multiple use cases require programmatic control of Prism Central features and functions, combined with equivalent programmatic control over Nutanix products that integrate with Prism Central. Most functionality exposed through the Prism Central and Prism Element interfaces are also exposed through a full set of REST APIs. These APIs provide ability to programmatically interface with the Nutanix platform, allowing customers and partners to enable automation, 3rd-party tools, scripts, apps or even create a customized UI if required.  

Core to any dynamic or “software-defined” environment, Nutanix provides a vast array of interfaces allowing for simple programmability and interfacing. Here are the main interfaces:

Nutanix.dev - Nutanix Developer Portal

To learn more about the available Nutanix Prism and product APIs, review sample code and go through self-paced labs, be sure to check out https://www.nutanix.dev!

Resources and Scripts:

Disclaimer: All code samples are © Nutanix, Inc., and are provided as-is under the MIT license (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).


  1. REST APIs
  2. CLI - nCLI and aCLI
  3. PowerShell Cmdlets