AOS Administration

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Important Pages

These are advanced Nutanix pages besides the standard user interface that allow you to monitor detailed stats and metrics.  The URLs are formatted in the following way: http://<Nutanix CVM IP/DNS>:<Port/path (mentioned below)>  Example: http://MyCVM-A:2009  NOTE: if you’re on a different subnet IPtables will need to be disabled on the CVM to access the pages.

2009 Page

This is a Stargate page used to monitor the back end storage system and should only be used by advanced users.  I’ll have a post that explains the 2009 pages and things to look for.

2009/latency Page

This is a Stargate page used to monitor the back end latency.

2009/vdisk_stats Page

This is a Stargate page used to show various vDisk stats including histograms of I/O sizes, latency, write hits (e.g., OpLog, eStore), read hits (cache, SSD, HDD, etc.) and more.

2009/h/traces Page

This is the Stargate page used to monitor activity traces for operations.

2009/h/vars Page

This is the Stargate page used to monitor various counters.

2010 Page

This is the Curator page which is used for monitoring Curator runs.

2010/master/control Page

This is the Curator control page which is used to manually start Curator jobs

2011 Page

This is the Chronos page which monitors jobs and tasks scheduled by Curator.

2020 Page

This is the Cerebro page which monitors the protection domains, replication status and DR.

2020/h/traces Page

This is the Cerebro page used to monitor activity traces for PD operations and replication.

2030 Page

This is the main Acropolis page and shows details about the environment hosts, any currently running tasks and networking details.

2030/sched Page

This is an Acropolis page used to show information about VM and resource scheduling used for placement decisions.  This page shows the available host resources and VMs running on each host.

2030/tasks Page

This is an Acropolis page used to show information about Acropolis tasks and their state.  You can click on the task UUID to get detailed JSON about the task.

2030/vms Page

This is an Acropolis page used to show information about Acropolis VMs and details about them.  You can click on the VM Name to connect to the console.

Cluster Commands

Check cluster status

Description: Check cluster status from the CLI

cluster status
Check local CVM service status

Description: Check a single CVM’s service status from the CLI

genesis status

Check upgrade status


Perform manual / cli upgrade

download NUTANIXINSTALLERPACKAGE.tar.gz into ~/tmp
cd ~/tmp
./install/bin/cluster -i ./install upgrade
Node(s) upgrade
Hypervisor upgrade status

Description: Check hypervisor upgrade status from the CLI on any CVM


Detailed logs (on every CVM)

Restart cluster service from CLI

Description: Restart a single cluster service from the CLI

Stop service

cluster stop ServiceName

Start stopped services

cluster start  #NOTE: This will start all stopped services
Start cluster service from CLI

Description: Start stopped cluster services from the CLI

Start stopped services

cluster start  #NOTE: This will start all stopped services


Start single service

Start single service: cluster start  ServiceName

Restart local service from CLI

Description: Restart a single cluster service from the CLI

Stop Service

genesis stop ServiceName

Start Service

cluster start
Start local service from CLI

Description: Start stopped cluster services from the CLI

cluster start #NOTE: This will start all stopped services
Cluster add node from cmdline

Description: Perform cluster add-node from CLI

ncli cluster discover-nodes | egrep “Uuid” | awk ‘{print $4}’ | xargs -I UUID ncli cluster add-node node-uuid=UUID </pre>

Find cluster id

Description: Find the cluster ID for the current cluster

zeus_config_printer | grep cluster_id
Open port

Description: Enable port through IPtables

sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport PORT -j ACCEPT
sudo service iptables restart
Check for Shadow Clones

Description: Displays the shadow clones in the following format:  name#id@svm_id

vdisk_config_printer | grep '#'
Reset Latency Page Stats

Description: Reset the Latency Page (CVM IP):2009/latency) counters

allssh "wget"
Find vDisk information

Description: Find vDisk information and details including name, id, size, iqn and others

Find Number of vDisks

Description: Find the current number of vDisks (files) on DSF

vdisk_config_printer | grep vdisk_id | wc -l
Get detailed vDisk information

Description: Displays a provided vDisks egroup IDs, size, transformation and savings, garbage and replica placement

vdisk_usage_printer -vdisk_id=VDISK_ID
Start Curator scan from CLI

Description: Starts a Curator scan from the CLI

Full Scan
allssh "wget -O - "http://localhost:2010/master/api/client/StartCuratorTasks?task_type=2";"
Partial Scan
allssh "wget -O - "http://localhost:2010/master/api/client/StartCuratorTasks?task_type=3";"
Refresh Usage
allssh "wget -O - "http://localhost:2010/master/api/client/RefreshStats";"
Check under replicated data via CLI

Description: Check for under replicated data using curator_cli

curator_cli get_under_replication_info summary=true
Compact ring

Description: Compact the metadata ring

allssh "nodetool -h localhost compact"
Find NOS version

Description: Find the NOS  version (NOTE: can also be done using NCLI)

allssh "cat /etc/nutanix/release_version"
Find CVM version

Description: Find the CVM image version

allssh "cat /etc/nutanix/svm-version"
Manually fingerprint vDisk(s)

Description: Create fingerprints for a particular vDisk (For dedupe)  NOTE: dedupe must be enabled on the container

vdisk_manipulator –vdisk_id=vDiskID --operation=add_fingerprints
Manually fingerprint all vDisk(s)

Description: Create fingerprints for all vDisk(s) (For dedupe)  NOTE: dedupe must be enabled on the container

for vdisk in `vdisk_config_printer | grep vdisk_id | awk {'print $2'}`; do vdisk_manipulator -vdisk_id=$vdisk --operation=add_fingerprints; done
Echo Factory_Config.json for all cluster nodes

Description: Echos the factory_config.jscon for all nodes in the cluster

allssh "cat /etc/nutanix/factory_config.json"
Upgrade a single Nutanix node’s NOS version

Description: Upgrade a single node’s NOS version to match that of the cluster

~/cluster/bin/cluster -u NEW_NODE_IP upgrade_node
 List files (vDisk) on DSF

Description: List files and associated information for vDisks stored on DSF


Get help text

Nfs_ls --help
Install Nutanix Cluster Check (NCC)

Description: Installs the Nutanix Cluster Check (NCC) health script to test for potential issues and cluster health

Download NCC from the Nutanix Support Portal (

SCP .tar.gz to the /home/nutanix directory

Untar NCC .tar.gz

tar xzmf ncc.tar.gz --recursive-unlink

Run install script

./ncc/bin/ -f ncc.tar.gz

Create links

source ~/ncc/ncc_completion.bash
echo "source ~/ncc/ncc_completion.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
Run Nutanix Cluster Check (NCC)

Description: Runs the Nutanix Cluster Check (NCC) health script to test for potential issues and cluster health.  This is a great first step when troubleshooting any cluster issues.

Make sure NCC is installed (steps above)

Run NCC health checks

ncc health_checks run_all
List tasks using progress monitor cli
progress_monitor_cli -fetchall
Remove task using progress monitor cli
progress_monitor_cli --entity_id=ENTITY_ID --operation=OPERATION --entity_type=ENTITY_TYPE --delete
# NOTE: operation and entity_type should be all lowercase with k removed from the begining

Metrics and Thresholds

The following section will cover specific metrics and thresholds on the Nutanix back end.  More updates to these coming shortly!


More coming soon!

Troubleshooting & Advanced Administration

Find Acropolis logs

Description: Find Acropolis logs for the cluster

allssh "cat ~/data/logs/Acropolis.log"
Find cluster error logs

Description: Find ERROR logs for the cluster

allssh "cat ~/data/logs/COMPONENTNAME.ERROR"

Example for Stargate

allssh "cat ~/data/logs/Stargate.ERROR"
Find cluster fatal logs

Description: Find FATAL logs for the cluster

allssh "cat ~/data/logs/COMPONENTNAME.FATAL"

Example for Stargate

allssh "cat ~/data/logs/Stargate.FATAL"

Using the 2009 Page (Stargate)

In most cases Prism should be able to give you all of the information and data points you require.  However, in certain scenarios, or if you want some more detailed data you can leverage the Stargate aka 2009 page.  The 2009 page can be viewed by navigating to CVMIP:2009.

Accessing back-end pages

If you're on a different network segment (L2 subnet) you'll need to add a rule in IP tables to access any of the back-end pages.

At the top of the page is the overview details which show various details about the cluster:

2009 Page - Stargate Overview 2009 Page - Stargate Overview

In this section there are two key areas to look out for, the first being the I/O queues that shows the number of admitted / outstanding operations.

The figure shows the queues portion of the overview section:

2009 Page - Stargate Overview - Queues 2009 Page - Stargate Overview - Queues

The second portion is the unified cache details that shows information on cache sizes and hit rates.

The figure shows the unified cache portion of the overview section:

2009 Page - Stargate Overview - Unified Cache 2009 Page - Stargate Overview - Unified Cache

Pro tip

In ideal cases the hit rates should be above 80-90%+ if the workload is read heavy for the best possible read performance.

NOTE: these values are per Stargate / CVM

The next section is the ‘Cluster State’ that shows details on the various Stargates in the cluster and their disk usages.

The figure shows the Stargates and disk utilization (available/total):

2009 Page - Cluster State - Disk Usage 2009 Page - Cluster State - Disk Usage

The next section is the ‘NFS Worker’ section which will show various details and stats per vDisk.

The figure shows the vDisks and various I/O details:

2009 Page - NFS Worker - vDisk Stats 2009 Page - NFS Worker - vDisk Stats

Pro tip

When looking at any potential performance issues the following metrics should be looked at:

  1. Avg. latency
  2. Avg. op size
  3. Avg. outstanding

For more specific details the vdisk_stats page holds a plethora of information.

Using the 2009/vdisk_stats Page

The 2009 vdisk_stats page is a detailed page which provides even further data points per vDisk.  This page includes details and a histogram of items like randomness, latency histograms, I/O sizes and working set details.

You can navigate to the vdisk_stats page by clicking on the ‘vDisk Id’ in the left hand column.

The figure shows the section and hyperlinked vDisk Id:

2009 Page - Hosted vDisks 2009 Page - Hosted vDisks

This will bring you to the vdisk_stats page which will give you the detailed vDisk stats.  NOTE: These values are real-time and can be updated by refreshing the page.

The first key area is the ‘Ops and Randomness’ section which will show a breakdown of whether the I/O patterns are random or sequential in nature.

The figure shows the ‘Ops and Randomness’ section:

2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Ops and Randomness 2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Ops and Randomness

The next area shows a histogram of the frontend read and write I/O latency (aka the latency the VM / OS sees).

The figure shows the ‘Frontend Read Latency’ histogram:

2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Frontend Read Latency 2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Frontend Read Latency

The figure shows the ‘Frontend Write Latency’ histogram:

2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Frontend Write Latency 2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Frontend Write Latency

The next key area is the I/O size distribution that shows a histogram of the read and write I/O sizes.

The figure shows the ‘Read Size Distribution’ histogram:

2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Read I/O Size 2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Read I/O Size

The figure shows the ‘Write Size Distribution’ histogram:

2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Write I/O Size 2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Write I/O Size

The next key area is the ‘Working Set Size’ section which provides insight on working set sizes for the last 2 minutes and 1 hour.  This is broken down for both read and write I/O.

The figure shows the ‘Working Set Sizes’ table:

2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Working Set 2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Working Set

The ‘Read Source’ provides details on which tier or location the read I/Os are being served from.

The figure shows the ‘Read Source’ details:

2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Read Source 2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Read Source

Pro tip

If you're seeing high read latency take a look at the read source for the vDisk and take a look where the I/Os are being served from.  In most cases high latency could be caused by reads coming from HDD (Estore HDD).

The ‘Write Destination’ section will show where the new write I/O are coming in to.

The figure shows the ‘Write Destination’ table:

2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Write Destination 2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Write Destination

Pro tip

Random I/Os will be written to the Oplog, sequential I/Os will bypass the Oplog and be directly written to the Extent Store (Estore).

Another interesting data point is what data is being up-migrated from HDD to SSD via ILM.  The ‘Extent Group Up-Migration’ table shows data that has been up-migrated in the last 300, 3,600 and 86,400 seconds.

The figure shows the ‘Extent Group Up-Migration’ table:

2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Extent Group Up-Migration 2009 Page - vDisk Stats - Extent Group Up-Migration

Using the 2010 Page (Curator)

The 2010 page is a detailed page for monitoring the Curator MapReduce framework.  This page provides details on jobs, scans, and associated tasks. 

You can navigate to the Curator page by navigating to http://:2010.  NOTE: if you're not on the Curator Leader click on the IP hyperlink after 'Curator Leader: '.  

The top of the page will show various details about the Curator Leader including uptime, build version, etc.

The next section is the ‘Curator Nodes’ table that shows various details about the nodes in the cluster, the roles, and health status.  These will be the nodes Curator leverages for the distributed processing and delegation of tasks.

The figure shows the ‘Curator Nodes’ table:

2010 Page - Curator Nodes 2010 Page - Curator Nodes

The next section is the ‘Curator Jobs’ table that shows the completed or currently running jobs.  

There are two main types of jobs which include a partial scan which is eligible to run every 60 minutes and a full scan which is eligible to run every 6 hours.  NOTE: the timing will be variable based upon utilization and other activities.

These scans will run on their periodic schedules however can also be triggered by certain cluster events.

Here are some of the reasons for a jobs execution:

The figure shows the ‘Curator Jobs’ table:

2010 Page - Curator Jobs 2010 Page - Curator Jobs

The table shows some of the high-level activities performed by each job:

Activity Full Scan Partial Scan
Disk Balancing X X
Compression X X
Deduplication X  
Erasure Coding X  
Garbage Cleanup X  

Clicking on the ‘Execution id’ will bring you to the job details page which displays various job stats as well as generated tasks.

The table at the top of the page will show various details on the job including the type, reason, tasks and duration.

The next section is the ‘Background Task Stats’ table which displays various details on the type of tasks, quantity generated and priority.

The figure shows the job details table:

2010 Page - Curator Job - Details 2010 Page - Curator Job - Details

The figure shows the ‘Background Task Stats’ table:

2010 Page - Curator Job - Tasks 2010 Page - Curator Job - Tasks

The next section is the ‘MapReduce Jobs’ table that shows the actual MapReduce jobs started by each Curator job.  Partial scans will have a single MapReduce Job, full scans will have four MapReduce Jobs.

The figure shows the ‘MapReduce Jobs’ table:

2010 Page - MapReduce Jobs 2010 Page - MapReduce Jobs

Clicking on the ‘Job id’ will bring you to the MapReduce job details page which displays the tasks status, various counters and details about the MapReduce job.

The figure shows a sample of some of the job counters:

2010 Page - MapReduce Job - Counters 2010 Page - MapReduce Job - Counters

The next section on the main page is the ‘Queued Curator Jobs’ and ‘Last Successful Curator Scans’ section. These tables show when the periodic scans are eligible to run and the last successful scan’s details.

The figure shows the ’Queued Curator Jobs’ and ‘Last Successful Curator Scans’ section:

2010 Page - Queued and Successful Scans 2010 Page - Queued and Successful Scans

Advanced CLI Information

Prism should provide all that is necessary in terms of normal troubleshooting and performance monitoring. However, there may be cases where you want to get more detailed information which is exposed on some of the backend pages mentioned above, or the CLI.


The vdisk_config_printer command will display a list of vdisk information for all vdisk on the cluster.

I’ve highlighted some of the important fields below:

The following shows example command output:

nutanix@NTNX-13SM35210012-A-CVM:~$ vdisk_config_printer | more
vdisk_id: 1014400
vdisk_name: "NFS:1314152"
parent_vdisk_id: 16445
vdisk_size: 40000000000
container_id: 988
to_remove: true
creation_time_usecs: 1414104961926709
mutability_state: kImmutableSnapshot
closest_named_ancestor: "NFS:852488"
vdisk_creator_loc: 7
vdisk_creator_loc: 67426
vdisk_creator_loc: 4420541
nfs_file_name: "d12f5058-f4ef-4471-a196-c1ce8b722877"
may_be_parent: true
parent_nfs_file_name_hint: "d12f5058-f4ef-4471-a196-c1ce8b722877"
last_modification_time_usecs: 1414241875647629
vdisk_usage_printer -vdisk_id=

The vdisk_usage_printer is used to get detailed information for a vdisk, its extents and egroups.

I’ve highlighted some of the important fields below:

The following shows example command output:

nutanix@NTNX-13SM35210012-A-CVM:~$ vdisk_usage_printer -vdisk_id=99999
 Egid # eids UT Size T Size ... T Type Replicas(disk/svm/rack)
 1256878 64 1.03 MB 1.03 MB ... D,[73 /14/60][184108644/184108632/60]
 1256881 64 1.03 MB 1.03 MB ... D,[73 /14/60][152/7/25]
 1256883 64 1.00 MB 1.00 MB ... D,[73 /14/60][184108642/184108632/60]
 1055651 4 4.00 MB 4.00 MB ... none[76 /14/60][184108643/184108632/60]
 1056604 4 4.00 MB 4.00 MB ... none[74 /14/60][184108642/184108632/60]
 1056605 4 4.00 MB 4.00 MB ... none[73 /14/60][152/7/25]

NOTE: Notice the egroup size for deduped vs. non-deduped egroups (1 vs. 4MB). As mentioned in the ‘Data Structure’ section, for deduped data, a 1MB egroup size is preferred to negate any potential fragmention cause by de-duplicating the data.

curator_cli display_data_reduction_report

The curator_cli display_data_reduction_report is used to get detailed information on the storage savings per container by transform (e.g. clone, snap, dedup, compression, erasure coding, etc.)

I’ve highlighted some of the important fields below:

The following shows example command output:

CVM:~$ curator_cli display_data_reduction_report
Using curator leader:
Using execution id 68188 of the last successful full scan
| Container| Technique | Pre | Post | Saved | Ratio |
| Id | | Reduction | Reduction | | |
| 988 | Clone | 4.88 TB | 2.86 TB | 2.02 TB | 1.70753 |
| 988 | Snapshot | 2.86 TB | 2.22 TB | 656.92 GB | 1.28931 |
| 988 | Dedup | 2.22 TB | 1.21 TB | 1.00 TB | 1.82518 |
| 988 | Compression | 1.23 TB | 1.23 TB | 0.00 KB | 1 |
| 988 | Erasure Coding | 1.23 TB | 1.23 TB | 0.00 KB | 1 |
| 26768753 | Clone | 764.26 GB | 626.25 GB | 138.01 GB | 1.22038 |
| 26768753 | Snapshot | 380.87 GB | 380.87 GB | 0.00 KB | 1 |
| 84040 | Snappy | 810.35 GB | 102.38 GB | 707.97 GB | 7.91496 |
| 6853230 | Snappy | 3.15 TB | 1.09 TB | 2.06 TB | 2.88713 |
| 12199346 | Snappy | 872.42 GB | 109.89 GB | 762.53 GB | 7.93892 |
| 12736558 | Snappy | 9.00 TB | 1.13 TB | 7.87 TB | 7.94087 |
| 15430780 | Snappy | 1.23 TB | 89.37 GB | 1.14 TB | 14.1043 |
| 26768751 | Snappy | 339.00 MB | 45.02 MB | 293.98 MB | 7.53072 |
| 27352219 | Snappy | 1013.8 MB | 90.32 MB | 923.55 MB | 11.2253 |

curator_cli get_vdisk_usage lookup_vdisk_ids=<COMMA SEPARATED VDISK ID(s)>

The curator_cli get_vdisk_usage lookup_vdisk_ids command is used to get various stats about the space used by each of the specified vdisks.

I’ve highlighted some of the important fields below:

The following shows example command output:

Using curator leader:
VDisk usage stats:
| VDisk Id | Exclusive | Logical | Logical | Logical | Logical |
| | usage | Uninherited | Dedup | Snapshot | Clone |
| 254244142 | 596.06 MB | 529.75 MB | 6.70 GB | 11.55 MB | 214 MB |
| 15995052 | 599.05 MB | 90.70 MB | 7.14 GB | 0.00 KB | 4.81 MB |
| 203739387 | 31.97 GB | 31.86 GB | 24.3 MB | 0.00 KB | 4.72 GB |
| 22841153 | 147.51 GB | 147.18 GB | 0.00 KB | 0.00 KB | 0.00 KB |

curator_cli get_egroup_access_info

The curator_cli get_egroup_access_info is used to get detailed information on the number of egroups in each bucket based upon last access (read) / modify ([over]write). This information can be used to estimate the number of egroups which might be eligible candidates to leverage erasure coding.

I’ve highlighted some of the important fields below:

The following shows example command output:

Using curator leader:
Container Id: 988
| Access \ Modify (secs) | [0,300) | [300,3600) | [3600,86400) | [86400,60480..
| [0,300) | 345 | 1 | 0 | 0 ..
| [300,3600) | 164 | 817 | 0 | 0 ..
| [3600,86400) | 4 | 7 | 3479 | 7 ..
| [86400,604800) | 0 | 0 | 81 | 7063 ..
| [604800,2592000) | 0 | 0 | 15 | 22 ..
| [2592000,15552000) | 1 | 0 | 0 | 10 ..
| [15552000,inf) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 ..