Book of Hyper-V

Hyper-V Administration

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Command Reference

Execute command on multiple remote hosts

Description: Execute a PowerShell on one or many remote hosts

$targetServers = "Host1","Host2","Etc"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName  $targetServers {
Check available VMQ Offloads

Description: Display the available number of VMQ offloads for a particular host

gwmi –Namespace "root\virtualization\v2" –Class Msvm_VirtualEthernetSwitch | select elementname, MaxVMQOffloads
Disable VMQ for VMs matching a specific prefix

Description: Disable VMQ for specific VMs

$vmPrefix = "myVMs"
Get-VM | Where {$_.Name -match $vmPrefix} | Get-VMNetworkAdapter | Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VmqWeight 0
Enable VMQ for VMs matching a certain prefix

Description: Enable VMQ for specific VMs

$vmPrefix = "myVMs"
Get-VM | Where {$_.Name -match $vmPrefix} | Get-VMNetworkAdapter | Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VmqWeight 1
Power-On VMs matching a certain prefix

Description: Power-On VMs matching a certain prefix

$vmPrefix = "myVMs"
Get-VM | Where {$_.Name -match $vmPrefix -and $_.StatusString -eq "Stopped"} | Start-VM
Shutdown VMs matching a certain prefix

Description: Shutdown VMs matching a certain prefix

$vmPrefix = "myVMs"
Get-VM | Where {$_.Name -match $vmPrefix -and $_.StatusString -eq "Running"}} | Shutdown-VM -RunAsynchronously
Stop VMs matching a certain prefix

Description: Stop VMs matching a certain prefix

$vmPrefix = "myVMs"  
Get-VM | Where {$_.Name -match $vmPrefix} | Stop-VM
Get Hyper-V host RSS settings

Description: Get Hyper-V host RSS (recieve side scaling) settings

Check Winsh and WinRM connectivity

Description: Check Winsh and WinRM connectivity / status by performing a sample query which should return the computer system object not an error

allssh "winsh "get-wmiobject win32_computersystem"

Metrics and Thresholds

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Troubleshooting & Advanced Administration

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